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Kate Goodall People & community
10 Oct 2018 - Kate Goodall
Did you know?

Avenue Road Bridge - Railings

Kings Heath CIC and some friendly volunteers have been spending time over the last year painting the railings under Avenue Road Bridge and tidying up the surrounding area. We haven't finished yet, but hope to finish by the Summer 2019. Get in touch with us if you would like to help with this initiative.


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Kate Goodall People & community
10 Oct 2018 - Kate Goodall
News & Updates

Young Directors Festival

The Young Directors' Festival is now LIVE on the MAC Birmingham Website! These tickets are limited and once they're gone, they're gone! Looking forward to seeing you there. http://ow.ly/TsYi30lYUxt 

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Young Directors Festival

The Young Directors' Festival is now LIVE on the MAC Birmingham Website! These tickets are limited and once they're gone, they're gone! Looking forward to seeing you there. http://ow.ly/TsYi30lYUxt 

My name is Daisy Wilkes, and at Stage2 this term, I am directing an original 10 minute play called “Breathless” by Kate Goodall in the Young Directors festival by Stage2.

When I was trying to find a play to direct, I became dissatisfied by the lack of relevant plays that could create a narrative in the space of ten minutes, as well as being adaptable to a small cast and theatre space. As a result I approached Kate Goodall and commissioned her to write a short piece that fitted the themes I wanted to explore; technology, mental health and social pressures. I also wanted it to be designed specifically for young people to perform.

This has now been developed into a short play where the central character has recently suffered a bereavement, a close friend who died by suicide. The central character finds themselves in a state of declining mental health, vulnerable through their grief and struggling with the pressures of society.

The scenes are interwoven with poetic verse and I intend to create a performance with physical theatre and choral speaking which reflect the emotions and tensions of the central character.

Each member of the cast reflects different aspects of emotions, for example, one voice is pessimistic, another optimistic, sometimes the voices will harmonise and sometimes they will conflict with each other. I am hoping that the play could be interpreted as each cast member reflecting different voices of one person, but that it is also open to audience interpretation.

I am really looking forward to working with the cast and hope to also include their ideas about how the piece would best be performed. I am excited to tackle the challenges and watching how the performance evolves, hopefully forming a contemporary performance which delves into the minds of teenagers today.

By Daisy Wilkes

To find out more visit http://www.stage2.org/

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Kate Goodall People & community
07 Oct 2018 - Kate Goodall

Kings Heath Volunteers

Much of the work done in Kings Heath, is lead by fantastic volunteers, who undertake all sorts of projects under the radar, from gardening, to maintenance and painting. Here are just a couple of volunteers that are very communtiy driven - can you tell who they are?

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Kate Goodall People & community
07 Oct 2018 - Kate Goodall

Back of the Kingsway Cinema

Designed by Horace G Bradley and built in the 1920s, The Kingsway was for decades used as a cinema until it closed in 1980.It reopened as a bingo hall a few years later before closing down for good in 2007, only to be ravaged by a fire in 2011. The frontage is all that remains and hopefully will become the frontage for new things in this part of the High Street soon.

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Your Place Your Space History & heritage
17 Sep 2018 - Your Place Your Space

Inspirational day at Highbury Hall - well done Trustees and Volunteers of Chamberlain Highbury Trust!

Wonderful Open Day at Highbury Hall showed just what people with passion to protect Birmingham's great history & heritage can achieve.

Because of the time, passion & energy put in by trustees and volunteers, we can all enjoy the very best of our history & heritage.

Take the full post for a some great photography courtesy Daniel and Elliott.

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Inspirational day at Highbury Hall - well done Trustees and Volunteers of Chamberlain Highbury Trust!

Wonderful Open Day at Highbury Hall showed just what people with passion to protect Birmingham's great history & heritage can achieve.

Because of the time, passion & energy put in by trustees and volunteers, we can all enjoy the very best of our history & heritage.

Take the full post for a some great photography courtesy Daniel and Elliott.

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Photography courtesy Daniel Sturley and Elliott Brown.

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